
The Wonder Woman exchange when they are figuring out teams is excellent. Also, when everyone flies off leaving Batman as the sole runner, "It's not a race!" God this episode is great. 

Olivia Munn - impossible to hate her,

Grace Gummer pops up as a fellow Romney reporter who Jim flirts with.

Aaron Sorkin: "Ok, so I have this scene with Lisa and Maggie and it's going to be this big reveal about how Maggie betrayed her best friend. I have to make sure the dialogue I write I write is realistic, sincere, and character appropriate………………….LOL, nah, I'll just have Lisa talk like a villain from a James Bond movie

Clones have no feelings!

Why is Kyle trying to make METZ the new Dawes?

Donna Troy? Yes.


Awesome, more of a mediocre television sequel!

Truth and Reconciliation…..ado

Single greatest moment in acting is contained in Elba's reaction during the last seconds of that scene.

Also, fuck that Punisher comic from awhile back where Wolverine's gay son kills Castle.

Reynolds is Hong

But she can still fist though.

The scatology in Bridesmaids is hardly that severe, and it makes for one of the funnier scenes in the movie.

Episode where Louie dates Dee would be nice.

Are you Sean Penn? If so, please leave.

No, it wasn't weird: it just flat out sucked. Personally, I would just watch The Dark Tournament arc, and then watch maybe the last five or so episodes of the Sensui arc.

Juror B37?