
Those Germans aren't all smiles and sunshine.

Spider-Man turned into hardcore interracial porn so gradually I didn't even notice.

This will go good with some "Doin' it (Anal) Right" lube. 

Nah, A Squared would have given this a C- and talked about how overrated Justin Beiber's last piss was.

Smiley Smile.

Might as well give us the whole curriculum.


She has Aspergers (on the show) so tread lightly (on the moral fiber of your penis).

Is "give you a whole pack of Double Stuf" a euphemism for butt sex?

Fun fact: If you take the original production out of American Gangster and find a remix version (there are several alternatives), AG becomes one of his top 5 best.

Killer Mike album is awesome.

The AV Club

You're the Go-Bots of gimmick accounts.

my admitting I'd fuck a hot retard?

Wasn't Sonic Youth a big inspiration for Nirvana as well?

"My dad’s been having a hard time lately. Keeps on losing his keys.
Can’t hang on to a set of keys to save his life. And he has tried
everything too: little hook next to the door, little bowl next to his
bed, keychain makes a noise when you whistle. Nothing worked. So
finally, this year for his birthday, the whole

How can you make fun of John Mulaney? Like, John Mulaney is so
awesome. He’s that person that I point to every time someone tells me
women aren’t funny."

Zach Galifinakis is going to be this guy in like one month. 

Chris Dowd?

Eh, I think it'd be better for the world if she just stopped.