
Right about now in the place to be
Too $hort baby
Gettin' real funky with the motherfuckin'

Hey grandpa, what were the 80's like?

HANK: Just remember to clamp your butt-joint.

Is Tumblr James Joyce? Because I'm ok with that.

The Old Man and the Sea, My Antonio.

Does that make Buzzfeed the F Scott Fitzgerald of the 21st century instead of just fucking buzzfeed?

Shit, that fucker is angular.

Y'all really want to know how I feel about the war, y'all really want to know how I feel about the president?

Sideways is a solid "A" movie, the rest vary from "B-" to "No."

Nah, nah………….nah.

Really abrupt, unpleasant ending there.

As a resident, KOTH is PURELY Garland and most of the neighborhoods outside of Dallas.

Gas cop, Gas cop, whatchu gonna do when he comes for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

We're a long way from automotive.

Yeah, when I was kid I couldn't stand the sight of the show.

Hank:You brought charcoal into our house!
Peggy: I didn't know what it was Luanne asked me to hold it for her, I thought it was drugs!
Hank: There's soot under my boy's nails, you don't get that from a clean burning fuel!
Bobby:You don't get the rich smokey flavor either.
Hank:You shut your mouth!, now we're going

God I love this one.

Bobby, I didn't think I'd ever need to tell you this, but I would be a
bad parent if I didn't. Soccer was invented by European ladies to keep
them busy while their husbands did the cooking.

Boomhauer is generally accepted to be the smartest, most reasonable character on the show only done in by the fact that he remains unintelligible to most people. I particularly like the running gag where he confesses to an authority figure that whatever the gang is doing is wrong and is promptly ignored. 

Six AM and already the boy ain't right.