
15 GIFS That Prove Snowden is Basically Doug Funny

Yeah, he looks like some guy who will enthusiastically show you the dungeon porn he and his girlfriend made and his favorite pair of nipple clamps.

So what you're essentially saying is, Robocop>The Justice League

Snyder Batman.

Sweet, I'm gonna go pound through the rest of my Justice League eps now so I can finally start on this. 

In addition to the time frame, I believe the ending which can be summed up as, "LOL, fuck you," is also a bit of a problem.

You're like Garfunkel's roadie.

Fuck you, the hastily made reactions to a show that had the potential to become better and is now apparently on that seldom traveled road towards overall improvement.

But even if he's the nicest, most respectful man in the world in his
personal life, he's still responsible for the words his supposed
character says and the effects they have on society. A non-disabled
13-year-old boy understands that Bruce Willis really isn't a downtrodden
beat cop who kills terrorists and flies

Jesus, I'm getting oral.

Serious question: is there any current rapper out there that actually
has decent-to-great lyrics, little-to-no cursing, no bragging about
money/possessions etc., no talk about cool guns and selling drugs and
killing, no misogyny, no anti-gay stuff, no saying they are the best
whatever alive, no bragging about banging

What @nichobert said. This is a character. I can't justify getting mad at him without first analyzing America's relationship with violence and misogyny in other forms of media. Scarface, Patrick Bateman in American Psycho, etc. We don't consider DePalma and Ellis or Pacino and Bale misogynist for creating and

I like this metacritic review:

Astounding how much wrong is contained in this one post.

I can't even fathom this. I think they're all fun in that they have moments of sheer joy.  RAM has a lot of songs like that. I think the Kanye album has a darker sound, but one of the reasons I love the album is because a lot of it is undercut. On Sight has the soul sample in the middle of the song, New Slaves has the

I kind of like it since so much fuss was made about the MBDTF album art. And its really minimalist which fits the production.

But more so on this album. The album art, no singles, little to no press. I mean that's pretty brave/stupid.

Ok, listen I don't want to be that guy, but when King's Landing Catering
got called to do a Winterfell wedding we were like, "fine, that's cool
not a problem" we're professionals, and we were told specifically wait
until the Rains of Castamere song ended and then go in and clean, and that's standard, fine.
So the

Yeah, and who would have guessed something bad would have happened to a unborn baby named after a Sean Bean character.

Also, I really hate X is in one spot and Y is 10 feet away, but there's just some random element that stops them from seeing each other.