
Dr. Martin

HowLovelyToBeAWerewolf- I think you're short changing RS.It does a pretty nice job of imbuing the feeling of malaise and then morphing it into surrealism (via nostalgia most times). AT is about being a kid, and being ignorant to life; It feels like a show a kid made; RS is a show about realizing that you're growing up

Great episode."You're getting off to this?!"

I'd watch the hell out of that film. Kate Winslet as GZA?

Add American Dad and I agree.

RS is pretty damn awesome.

I heard that the main character's name is "Riggins" and I shot my TV the middle finger.


Parks=Archer>(slightly greater than)American Dad=Cougar Town=Happy Endings>Community

Yeah, he's not exactly a superstar and I'm not sure where Rabin's getting this idea that he is.

Ansari can’t really get away with doing jokes about how hot women at
clubs are mean to him for no reason, or how women will invariably choose
drunk, obnoxious, verbally abusive alpha-males over bookish geeks like
himself—not when fame, celebrity, and wealth are such powerful

Also, I really appreciate any episode that shows me Stan's ass. Dude has a badonk a doink

Well, Roger is an attention whore.

Hey there bookworm.

It's like the programmers gave up. Why do I have to do stealth on a game that is supposed to give me a choice?

Three might be my least favorite, but four is a return to form.

Or Disqus….


I say Cyril before Archer. They (Cyril and Lana) haven't actually been with anyone this whole season so they may have had a secret fling.

Good job, you blew up Alderon.