
I'd be real proud if no one made a beaten dead horse Dawes joke, but since I've already done that we'll use this thread to make more Dawes jokes.

Add a Danger Zone shirt and maybe.

I also can't wait for my selection of ties to become severely limited due to a failure to renew several contracts and a loss of customer support.

MBDTF then. Maybe the performance was over done, but Runaway and Power are made for over blown performances and they sounded good.

Which one the 808s (awful) or the MBDTF, because the latter is probably the best SNL performance I've seen.

Yeah that occurred to me to, and really does make everything that much more worse.

I agree with the score.

I know this is a joke, but I'd buy the fuck out of that album.

To answer this seriously…….Well the people who watched it have a right to form an opinion about it, no? There's no rule saying you have to be nice about everything. Some people tuned in expecting something and they got something else. I think every reaction has been hyperbolic and I think the reactions are far worst

I'm not sure how someone is supposed to find an artist being intentionally somnolent enjoyable.

Hey asshat stop talking about my American Dad.

You can't really judge an act on SNL because of the limitations, but that was pretty uninspiring. Her vocals were boarder line soporific. I feel like she's trying to imitate Victoria Legrand's vocals and not knowing how to do so.

This is the only late episode that makes no sense. Now the whole crew is facing the element of their past that made them flee or just going back to the beginning in terms of their unresolved past lives, but Black Dog Serenade already did that so this just seems like something that should have been done before BDS and

The series, start with the series.I don't care for the movie, and I would suck Spike's dick if he walked through the door. So, that's probably saying some stuff about the movie and me. Some people recommend starting the movie after a specific point in the show, but I don't see it working liking that, it's better to

Bitsie Tulloch? Does she also do midget porn?

headliners Radiohead, the Black Keys, and Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre

Tricky and Dream's production is really what The Weeknd is imitating.

Also, I'm pretty sure VW has sold a bunch of their songs for commercials. "Holiday" was used for a car ad.

lol, Los Campesinoes is (one of) your favorite band of all time? I'm not saying anything about them because I bump them, but still, all time? As in every band/artist of every musical genre ever, and you landed there?

D'fwan right? Apostrophes in names are always funny.