
In regards to Mage's AD assessment. It's wrong, all of it. They show really doesn't need growth or continuity, the characters are pretty familiar with each other and they work so well in conjunction I don't see why they would mess with their dynamic. However, there is tons of stuff in between the pages that develop

Fire Harmon and put him on sabbatical. Fill the roles with the Community team. Phase out any dudes from production. Move the show to HBO, slap an "explicit lesbian sex scene" warning on every episode, hire Dave Chappelle to make jokes in between.

Romy and Michele sequel please. Love that movie.


You thought those were ding dong prices? Ha!

Honestly thought someone would do a Leonard Pierce joke first.

So, The Promise part 1 leaked with some missing panels. It is extremely well done, enough so that I wish they just animated it and voice acted it as a mini series or movie. Really got me excited for Korra.



New year, new album, new damn hair style.

Call me Chocolate Dinosaur.

Yeah I thought it was Chris Hanson and saw the title, and I was sure it would be the viewing experience of the year.

It's up there for me specifically for The Shrine/An Argument

His line about "Warm Welcomes" tonight was great.

Yep which is great because she works better with Jeff anyways.

Spike is modeled after Lupin which AS really should finish airing.

Well he's also constantly misinterpreting scenes and his recaps often leave out some of the best scenes the series has to offer and an in depth look at those scenes. To wit, his Jupiter Jazz review which missed the point of one of the main story plot points and lacked insight on one of the best scenes in the series.

I don't know for me, it probably cracks #1 for greatest animated show of all time. Nothing has come close to doing what this show did. The subtlety in the way it presents its stories, the way it has its future setting in the background and puts it next to modern and oldies motifs then deftly pulls out again for the

Well, it's settled. Final episode of Community/Cougar Town will be a cross over episode that ends with both universes imploding. The Futurama characters observe this in silence. It's all kind of like Final Crisis but really entertaining and less convoluted.

Ruxin: "You referred to him as 'that kid'".