
Oh Fuck Elfen Lied. I watched the first episode when Comcast got anime on demand and I'm thinking "Sure why not, this looks interesting." Fuck that show. The girl getting decapitated after 15 minutes of buildup was just cruel and sadistic.

Nothing has happened to AD. It continues to be excellent.

I don't know, I think it's close. Who else in the running?

Also, I didn't think you could make Olson unfunny, but there you go.

So I knew it would be a train wreck, but sometimes I enjoy watching train wrecks. Alec Sulkin should be handed an award for most offensively unfunny writer of the past couple of years.

Whoa buddy, you saying something about Home Movies?

Glove slap!

Boy I hope the Family Guy review is as quick as this one.

Did you need to state 3 with 2 already covering that base?

Wouldn't that be Family Guy?

Yep, I don't have it in my hand, but aside from a few mistakes, the control and aiming controls in UC2 were some of the best I've seen and it's hard to imagine they'd be inferior. Of course it could be just be my opinion, but not a lot of review sources were vocal about bad controls.

Context, since I needed to know what I was referencing. And I didn't want to have to scroll down. That's generally a rule of quoting. Also, the whole thing? Well hardly!

I'm pretty incredulous towards this review myself. I don't have a copy in my hands, but some criticisms are ringing false to me (and I wholly respect that this is the reviewer's opinion).

Breaking Bad?

Dude I don't think I wrote that one.

Man where are you guys getting your opinions from? How was this episode not great? It contains the line "Dennis is an asshole, why Charlie hate?"

What the….Wasn't this already brought up? Also, that argument has been made since the incipience of gender studies. Nowhere in the review did she get mad that the episode wasn't penned by Jane Austen. You don't have to be a guy to find the show funny, and it's not like the show puts a warning that you need to be a

Just say yes out loud.

Can we discuss his last album? I really didn't like it. A great RnB album album requirest a singer/song writer being in tune with their producer (I guess this applies to any album). While Timberlake was in tune with Timbaland, Timbaland just isn't the type of producer who you rely on for a whole album.

I too would like to see more artist especially if this can be applied to artist who with songs that aren't from the current year.