Willy Pete

Nicole de Boer is certainly charming, and very cute.

There are a lot of valid criticisms to make about pro football, but even its most virulent detractors have to admit that the season is pretty short and to-the-point. Seventeen Sundays of regular games (with Mondays and now Thursdays thrown in), a few rounds of playoffs and then the Super Bowl.

A Helen Mirren type would have been interesting.

To be fair, they also frequently have Garak and Kira manning stations on the Defiant when there's no good god damn reason any self-respecting fleet would let that happen.

Does Neelix count? I mean, he was written off the show like five episodes before the series finale or something.

It was, in talking about the pill mills and how prices for oxy were better in Detroit.

That's not true. Working with vodka is a little like using white paint on your walls.

In the first draft of the script in question it was a leprechaun.

Yeah, that thing about the Borg tech was frustrating.

It's funny that the original script treatment sounds like a much better, more sensible story while still managing to be dull as dirt.

Funny, I never saw faux-Bashir as necessarily being on a suicide run. He had a fully functional transporter on that runabout, after all.

Haha, she's the bitchy heiress who goes out with Pierce! That's amazing. She looks … very different.

And the result is that sometimes they generate episodes like these, which are sort of quotidian wheel-spinning.

Unless you're talking about a kind of whiskey, y'all should remember that Mister O'Brien is Irish thank you very much.

"Only make her a redhead this time. I always wanted a daughter with adorable red hair. And maybe make her better at math."

Be fair: at least the slingshot-around-the-sun thing, stupid as it is, seemed to take a lot of math and fine-tuning.

I genuinely think that she did that just because they needed to generate some kind of suspense for the commercial break.

Throw on a little facepaint and some hoop earrings and she'd be at home at a Twisted Sister concert. I'm into it.

Someone with more patience than me should write some Yelp reviews for DS9's notable locations. You know: Quark's, the Replimat, the place run by the fat Klingon (possibly "Thank Gagh It's Friday's"), and that guy who sells the jumja sticks.

A missed opportunity. If it had to be Earth—and I understand why, if only for costuming reasons—then they should have gone to Versailles, or maybe ancient Rome.