That's exactly what i was thinking.
That's exactly what i was thinking.
No Chance. How is he going to administrate it? Just mosey on into Grey Matter and pop it into their soy latte's?
@avclub-164147531479146271930c0cf60598cd:disqus Cool your jets buddy, this isn't Reddit. There's no need to be so aggressive.
I was sure he said "double pimms" and thought that's a remarkably odd choice of drink
That ending was fucking phenomenal. Everything after Andrea was shot seemed sort of a hazy blur, can't believe they did that, but then main theme started playing as Walt was figuring out his plan and i found myself rooting for him again!
The WTF which erupted from me after i google imaged her husband almost took the roof of my house.
Jeez, if you like him so much then why don't you marry him.
A 10 page email!!!!!
Did you follow that up with a "feeling what?"
ah, the French. I like the way they think.
Thanks for the very detailed reply. You've encouraged me to give the books another go.
*Todd waves hello.*
Breaking Bad is ruining the good work Picard has done for the bald community.
is season three of Game of Thrones really the highmark of the series so far? but it felt so long and meandering until the Red Wedding thing and then it was over. I havent read the books so maybe i'm missing out there.
obligatory The Wire quote : I am the one who gets breakfast ya feel me, goddammit Marie they're minerals, Lisa needs braces, the money was only resting in my account, i drink your milkshake, it brings the boys to the yard, ah fuck it, it's clocking out time fellas.
To be fair, they called their first born "Walt Jr.".
He will stumble onto some methheads with Heisenberg Blue and figure out that Jesse is still alive and cooking his product.
Cake Boss?
The same Lydia who tried to get Mike to kill her first batch of meth minions, then got the nazi's to kill her second batch because they weren't working to her standard? Only person she wants to save is herself.