Mr Magorias Sweatshop in Korea

Yes. The obvious reason competition-based reality TV is a popular model is it's an efficient way to generate drama. The other way is to put together insane annoying people and manufacture drama out of their overreactions when they rub up against each other. Neither of these methods lend themselves to producing

Yes. The obvious reason competition-based reality TV is a popular model is it's an efficient way to generate drama. The other way is to put together insane annoying people and manufacture drama out of their overreactions when they rub up against each other. Neither of these methods lend themselves to producing



I vaguely remember there being some shows on PBS that had more of a micro-civilization survival element to them, and they were actually kind of compelling. One was an american frontier simulation: barn-raising and livestock and farming and everything. Some people brought their entire real life families with them; it

I vaguely remember there being some shows on PBS that had more of a micro-civilization survival element to them, and they were actually kind of compelling. One was an american frontier simulation: barn-raising and livestock and farming and everything. Some people brought their entire real life families with them; it

It's interesting, I feel like a lot of the examples being brought up were actually at some point by design to make story MORE digestible, to either streamline information delivery or formal framing devices for clarity or give pace and rhythm a more cinematically "natural" pulse, often by way of totally unnatural

It's interesting, I feel like a lot of the examples being brought up were actually at some point by design to make story MORE digestible, to either streamline information delivery or formal framing devices for clarity or give pace and rhythm a more cinematically "natural" pulse, often by way of totally unnatural

Blank City is available for streaming on Netflix, I actually just came across it and watched it last night. I thought it was pretty great. That time period in New York is often accused of being over-romanticized, and this film is a part of that, but I can see why: there really is a certain wild, no-man's-land energy

Blank City is available for streaming on Netflix, I actually just came across it and watched it last night. I thought it was pretty great. That time period in New York is often accused of being over-romanticized, and this film is a part of that, but I can see why: there really is a certain wild, no-man's-land energy

Ah nice. Someone made Generation P / Homo Zapiens into a movie. The book is pretty awesome, though a lot of stuff was probably going over my head as a non-Russian. I remember hearing about film adaptions in the works years ago but didn't realize it had already happened. It seems like a somewhat difficult and weird

Ah nice. Someone made Generation P / Homo Zapiens into a movie. The book is pretty awesome, though a lot of stuff was probably going over my head as a non-Russian. I remember hearing about film adaptions in the works years ago but didn't realize it had already happened. It seems like a somewhat difficult and weird

Cool, thanks for the heads up. I haven't really watched that show but I'll check out the thread. 

Cool, thanks for the heads up. I haven't really watched that show but I'll check out the thread. 

I'm not trying to defend this movie — I haven't seen it, nor read the book — and I'm not necessarily saying Tasha Robinson is guilty of it here, but I want to play devil's advocate for a moment. I see a common dismissal of this movie that basically boils down to "it plays it too straight". Is that really the issue

I'm not trying to defend this movie — I haven't seen it, nor read the book — and I'm not necessarily saying Tasha Robinson is guilty of it here, but I want to play devil's advocate for a moment. I see a common dismissal of this movie that basically boils down to "it plays it too straight". Is that really the issue

You incorrigible rapscallion!

You incorrigible rapscallion!