"How the hell do you two guys work with a finger lickin' piece of chicken like that?"
"How the hell do you two guys work with a finger lickin' piece of chicken like that?"
You're a woman.
Do You Realize? - Gretchen Lieberum's Cover Version
I would go gay for Bob Benson.
Eat a banana. Potassium for Stamina.
I'm gonna guess it means that Holly White dies.
Or David Bradley from Kes.
I don't know what it's like in the US but here in the UK we had a channel that use to show two or more episodes of Friends every day for 7 years(they just recently stopped showing them). The large majority of people in their twenties now must have seen every episode of Friends at least once thanks to that uninterupted…
"We need to stop spending so much on cars, and start buying some decent clothes."
My prediction is that with Henry now in the running to be Mayor, someone will start looking into who the Mayor's wife's ex-husband really is, and that will be the downfall of Don Draper.
Who wants to see a flacid penis?
Stop making Talisa's ass the butt of the jokes.
When I first saw the sunken ship from a Bird's eye view I though they were just outside Dragonstone and we were going to hear the story of "Windproud" the ship that sunk of the coast of Shipbreaker Bay and hear about the story of "Patchface" and how he was the only one that survived.
Imagine if he actually got to play "John Harrison" in Star Trek into Darkness. That would have been magical.
"What will we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning?"
"What will we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning?"
You don't actually see Roger call the 2nd time though. Who know's rang the second time, it's likely it could have been Roger but it could also have been Pete or anyone, we didn't see the caller.
I think when they want to convey someone as a bad guy, they have shown them being homophobic, so Littlefinger, Tywin & Cersei have all used homophobic slurs or been anti-gay.
I think the only hint that had been given up until we see the man on the cross over Jaime's shoulder was in Season Two when Roose Bolton had a line about sending his "Bastard" to retrieve Theon. I don't know how obvious that would be now to non-readers but the TV show has done enough that if you thought about it long…
RIP Ros, even in death you provided us with our weekly glimpse of nudity.