
Further, you seem, based on your blind hatred, to me the type of person being flamed in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watc… "One of the sure signs to insanity is believing you have a special relationship to the world."

Boxer, Please Die, you are obviously such a happy, well-adjusted person. It makes sense that someone so anonymously critical and disrespectful on the AV Club comments section is so clearly satisfied with life that a song like "All My Friends" could never affect him. Bully for you. It must be great omniscient.

Poor James.
It must get really frustrating have to constantly get battered with questions about "what you were trying to say" or "who you were trying to sound like." Especially for someone like Mr. Murphy, who actually has significant things to say.

Not to be rude
I like Amelie, and think she's witty and everything, but do any AV Club readers care about any of the things she writes about? I don't want to be combative, but I'm just curious if anyone else really cares about the Hills being canceled, et al.

Did Dave try hair down, glasses off?

guys can be girls too

Gotta agree with Mr. Apple on this. I could just see the writer's room convo of "Cafe Disco":

No more dance parties! Part of the reason why The Office sucks. If I wanted to watch people dance I'd, idk… kill myself? Go to a strip club? Whatever.

So I was going to read the critical review bashing this show, got 3 sentences in, and the so-and-so (giving a character rundown) said Cam was Jay's son. So I gave up.

Got that WMD!!

I can't do my work!

Bob I'm just happy you learned the something of your ways… wisdom?

I'm gonna guess one of these special lists will be "unjustly" canceled shows which will include the likes of the Apatow programs, maybe AD, Firefly, Gentle Ben, etc.

Too many stories!
This show works best when it all comes together with the whole family. When you're got 4 disjointed stories each one gets a short shrift. They fire on all cylinders when we get the whole family interaction rockin.

I think The League can pull it off based on a pretty great cast (Nick Kroll, Paul Scheer, Jon Lajoie, etc). I'll give it a chance.

I Hate Jonathan Ames. That's my problem with the show.
Just from the writing style, the fact that he named the main character after himself (so pompous), the fact that that main character is supposed to be so disarmingly likeable. Schwartzman, a guy who I find naturally likeable, can't even pull it off. Everything

The Carville bit was excellent! It almost felt Bill Brasky-ish to me.

A lot of them sound like they in a talent show
So I give 'em something to remember like the Alamo

Most albums work best as concepts brah!!!!