I bet you like wine coolers.
I bet you like wine coolers.
Next time, try crushing them up and snorting them! Forget Faulkner, you'll be the next Jean-Paul Sartre on that shit.
By the way, trying to subsitute something else for milk, with your cereal… that doesn't work.
Bunch of filthy little stone-pushing savages.
@avclub-f3df38bea0571d15e376bda9c1245e59:disqus I read you. Judy Chicago fan, huh?
You should check out Robert Mapplethorpe.
It sounds like the hunt for Montag in Farenheit 451.
It used to be called Heritage Day, but I guess that didn't sound sappy enough.
That would be the satanic demigod of German tax law loopholes then. They call him "die steuer teufel Halbgott."
Looks like it was just cancelled, for no apparent reason.
The brilliance that was Home Movies somehow got started on UPN before getting ditched by them and picked up by Cartoon Network.
Even if the Nazi Vampires are sparkly?
I'm kind of surprised Tarantino hasn't done this.
> Tebow.
He didn't go off on some sort of racist tirade, did he? Good thing they didn't have twitter back then.
You sure showed her though.
They've actually put up a very tasteful memorial exhibition in the Academy of Television. 06/12/2010. Never forget.
Back in the Tenacity of the Cockroach days the weekly inventory feature was the only thing that actually brought any traffic to this site. These days it almost feels like an afterthought.
I remember a time when you'd have the music reviews here, and the film reviews there, and good old inventory would be right at the…
What about that NBC show Jerry? The pilot was well received, and then they just sort of sat on the rights for a few years. Then they said they were going to make the show. Then nothing.
She looks like something Eddie Murphy would offer a ride to.