
When I read VanDerWerff's paragraph, I said amen, brother. As a kid who grew up in the ninties I always hear generation X-ers talk about how sick they are of seventies Boomer culture and how it's time to stop talking about Woodstock already. Well, I'm sick of hearing about how fucking great the eighties were, and it's

Either Jonathan Toews or Mike Richards, depending on how the next couple weeks shake out.

Rick Noonan, Ruler of Hades
Rick's spiraling descent into evil was the best thing about this episode.

I feel for the guy and he does keep getting put at a cultural disadvantage, but how hard is it really to draw inspiration from Dionysus? "God of Wine" is pretty straightforward, not a lot of wrinkles there.
Samuelsson is Ethiopian/Swedish and he doesn't seem to be having these problems.

As our long, weary column ascended the final summit, those of us in the rear took to sifting through the feces left behind by our comrades in the front, like the starving Chinese soldiers of Mao's Long March, looking for the occasional undigested clump of grain, or junior mint.

I liked how immediately afterwards you could see the thought of it just flashing over James Raynor's head.

I love how convincingly Boyd is sticking to his 'man of god' shtick, but I'm sure it's just a long con. And I'm guessing the rocket launcher is so he can go after his father Bo. Once he's dead Boyd and his Christian militia will run the protection racket.

You wanna talk about chemistry, how about those two.

They sure seem to like putting her in tight clothes…

The Manson family was planning to live underground until the Leprechaun race wars were over.

Obviously he meant Crescent of David.

It's like they couldn't afford Max Headroom so they hired his brain-damaged little cousin.

Weaving spiders come not here…

In five billion years, the sun will become a red giant and swallow the Earth.

"Lust For Life," on the other hand, is perfect for a cruise line commercial.

Is GG Allin still dead?

My favourite part is the minigame where the patient has a sudden, unexplained seizure or blackout, and you cure it by sitting through four or five commercials.

Seriously. Watching Maguire mope around made me wonder when Spider-man got so 'emo.' This is supposed to be fun, people.

The Sci-fi (Sy-fy?) channel did a three-episode adaptation a few years ago that was totally decent. The budget was low and some of the book's higher concepts inevitably didn't make it onscreen but as a Dune fan I was pretty satisfied.

Twenty million teenage girls can't be wrong.