
@wolfmansRazor and Durstbag: I'm getting kind of a Jeff Bridges in Iron Man vibe.

There is no such thing as a successful Durstie.

Cameron Diaz danced around in her underwear! Empowering!

I wasn't a misogynist before but I am one now, thanks to this comment.

See also: there's no such thing as global warming because it's not hot where I am right now.

As a Canadian I would just like to apologize for Avril Lavinge. But hey, we gave you Arcade Fire, right?

"See, I used to think rape was funny."
Carl really showed some character growth after getting anally violated by a two-legged dog.

The Rolling Stones - Under My Thumb, Stupid Girl
Bob Dylan - Just Like A Woman
Elvis Costello - This Year's Girl
Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused
The Stooges - Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell

I can hear the helicopter! My other senses are already heightened!

Fistbot's problem is he's just too damn sensitive.

Custer's Revenge: The Movie
Starring Billy Bob Thornton.

Woke up in parking lot. Not sure where I am.

"That probably merits a follow-up."

I was born naked and helpless, unable even to feed myself without assistance. It took me years just to learn how to speak.

When I went to college five years ago there were girls in my class who listened to Britney Spears.

Krieger is fast becoming my favourite. I still crack up just thinking about him spiking the intern's coffee last week.
"Danny's definitely starting to feel something."

I liked Achewood better back when it used to actually update.

When I was in high school, I remember getting all three seasons of the then canceled-Family Guy on DVD and immediately watching most of them in one late-night marathon session, laughing my ass off.
When the show came back I was excited, at first. Now those DVDs are in the back of a closet waiting for an opportune

Ditto on the Richler. I think every book I own by the man is second-hand. I've even got the more essay-minded stuff like O Canada, O Quebec and Next Year In Jerusalem.
Still can't bring myself to buy The Incomparable Atuk though. It looks a little too much like Cocksure, and that's not a good thing.

I would like to become an obsessive collector of Binky's weird little posts.