
damn, wish I'd known about this film in time for the NFT screening…

Me too, my friends still bring it up every once in a while.

Bastards, let's challenge them to an anonymous internet smack-talk-off…I'm not paying the damn $5 though, that's ridiculous. Who would want to pay to have pointless arguments with strangers? I can do that for free at the bus stop.

I thought we'd all agreed to call him Shia TheBeef on these comment boards.

Yeah, that before I was born line made me feel old too, although I was too young to see it in theatres…

mbs, I'm pretty sure you still need your belly button, it's how you get nutrients and stuff in the womb. Well, ok, I guess that means you don't need it anymore once you're born, but where else are you gonna keep all that lint?

Me too. But Ron, no touching.

wait, ZoMoFo is in GTA IV? That's weird.

I had a picture of Pandora Peaks in my locker in highschool. It made guys giggle like morons, but girls loved it. They'd stare in morbid fascination, then go get their friends. I was often late for class.

Shut up all of you. I liked Empire Records in highschool, and I'd probably still like it now.

He does book reviews, and "favours" for the staff…

I think it's $38 mil just for the one prototype, that doesn't actually work.

I tried to read the book years ago, on the advice of my mother (who generally has good taste). I was so bored, I didn't even make it half way. Maybe I was to young at the time, but I can't say I'm that interested in trying again.

So, which name did they put on the star? (I didn't even bother to see if there was a link in that story, so forgive me if that would have answered my question).

obvious question
Did any of male staffers who ate the boob cookies see any noticeable change in themselves?

I also hate the DVD load screens that have bits of the film in them. Especially on TV series like 24. Also, that little bit right after the opening credits on Battlestar Galactica, which shows rapid-fire clips of the episode you're about to see. I have to close my eyes during that.

Can we have a contract that says we won't be forced to read Lobsters1's comment more than three times a week?

"I'm a great motivator. People always say they have to work much harder when I'm around."

what the fuck is up with all the Song of Ice and Fire references on this thread?

So 79% of us read a book in the past month, but only 49% saw a movie? That seems a bit backwards for the content of this site, but I'm impressed that we're all so well-read. (I'm in the book-not-movie camp)