"What are you thinking about for Dancing With The Stars?"
"Well… how about Lando?"
"You want to dance the Lando?"
"Lando's not a dance, he's a man."
"What are you thinking about for Dancing With The Stars?"
"Well… how about Lando?"
"You want to dance the Lando?"
"Lando's not a dance, he's a man."
Oh, in the BOOK of Genesis. Thanks Paramount!
I should have slapped a "TM" on that. Sci Fi Channel, I thought of it first!
Wait… you can't see the reflection of the dinosaur. Oh no… it's Vampire Raptor!
I love that they humanize Weyoun while still making his motivations unclear, which fits his character. Does he really believe the war is wrong? Or he just betting on the only "god" who is going to survive the illnes?
It Takes A Nation of Thousands To Hold Us Back
Well, they don't have T'Pau's heart and soul
Dr. Rumak, for the last time, we only have chocolate milkshakes. We do not have lasagna.
You know about the different bags? You've got the A… the B… the C… and the D. The D is the biggest.
I spent a lot of time about 5 years ago listening to Pandora to find new music. This was one of my finds. Well, new to me at least. Great choice.
I used to like them, but they totally sold out when they got released from jail and tried to fight for prisoners' rights and the removal of the dictator who runs their country with an iron fist.
I don't even OWN a Pussy Riot
Remember Greg Kinnear? Well, he's back! In TV form.
Prince… is it raining outside?
Winn: Tell him about the twinkie.
Hope and people in space doing cool space shit. Obama 2012!
I must kill… David Zucker
You can tell us, you're a doctor
Yes! Plus my Mom had the tape and played it the car all the time.