
I felt like A Moon Shaped Pool showed that Radiohead is as vital as ever. I don't know if it'll hold up as well as OK Computer (I don't think Kid A has), but it's still all I want to listen to right know.

Re-animate Log Lady!

She looks like Little Pete.

I really liked when the henchman's bullet ricocheted off of the Tick and into another thug.
"That one was your fault!"

I was super bummed that she was in the last one for all of two minutes.

I like in-world justifications for Save Points, like Chrono Cross' Records of FATE, which were computer terminals that people were supposed to reference regularly, but that were actually controlling their minds. Or Outcast's GAAMSAV, which was an item you had to carry with you.

I really enjoyed NSMB 2, too, and I'm pretty lukewarm on the others. I think the level design is a step above the rest.

I'm playing Star Fox Zero and it's a lot of fun. I'm not one to belittle reviewers for having different taste than me, but I cannot understand why the aiming system was attacked so much. It's exactly like Splatoon! It works fine! I'm playing Uncharted 3 at the same time and if I had to choose one of them I would

[Oa explodes]

He's recognizable, which is to say he doesn't look exactly like every other actor his age. More than I can say for Sam Worthington or Charlie Hunnam.

And they make 6 times what a regular teacher does!

That was my guess too.


Well, for one, MST3K is funny.

It also ends really anti-climatically.

It really isn't that bad. It just isn't funny.

Nextwave! It's like Shakespeare, but with lots more punching!

He's a pair of jowls with legs coming out.

He flamed out of the 1st Death Star run!