
I saw her as Indian, and I'm not sure where I got that.

I think what you're saying is dumb and you should stop. Does that mean I'm censoring you?

That's because you don't understand what censorship is.

Hi Tim!

Twin Peaks had an final episode so transcendent and iconic it essentially overwrites the season it's in. Those other shows don't. (Buffy's finale is okay).

The 2nd burn site throws a wrench in even that explanation.

If anything, Bob's usually the only decent guy in these movies.

I thought Deschanel was pretty terrible in this (Elf is where my crush began) but its not really her fault. Sanding off the edges of all of the characters didn't leave any of them much to work with.

I'll help!

I spent half the episode thinking she was Natasha Leggero, and thinking she was a lot funnier the last time she was on. Then she mentioned this was her first appearance and I was even more confused.

Which is especially bad because Dassey's "testimony" is what got Avery convicted. I don't know what happened that day, but I'm positive it wasn't what the prosecution said happened.

Now That's What I Call Grave Reservations About This Dude's Definition of What Constitutes Music!

Singing Sabotage as Edith Bunker.

I was hoping it would be more of a setup for Civil War than it was, because you had a pretty good reason for a Cap/Iron Man schism right there. Then everybody forgave everybody.

I'll go to the mat for Final Crisis every time, and even I will admit that the last issue is compressed to the point of meaninglessness.

I couldn't believe that. Are there only 3 officers in the Manitowoc Police Department?

SMT4 got it's claws in me deep. The atmosphere, the music, the story. I even lucked into the neutral ending, which was nice. It's one of those games where I took a month off from gaming after finishing it because it was so satisfying.

The only good shows are sermons!

Agreed. I think we're seeing a little professional jealousy here.

I actually saw the amazing Rando at the MST3K panel at Salt Lake Comic Con! He came from the East!
Also, Gruber Allen ran right past me but that's neither here nor there.