
That was one of the funniest episodes of anything I've heard in a long time. Can't wait for Volleyball: A True Underdog Story!

Is it officially over after this season? I haven't read anything about it.

That's not fair. Sometimes she also CGI jumps from one CGI platform to another CGI platform.

Better than Matt Mira, I say!

People just liked it better that wayyyyyyy!!!

I feel like Johns gets a lot of passes from fans, and I don't get it. Like during the growing concern at cape comics becoming too dark and violent and he was chopping away at heads and arms in big summer event books.

Of all the Morrison Ideas the Big Two have walked back, this has to be the most disappointing.

I hate that too. "Someday I'm going to discover how airplanes work." Come on, man, use the internet!

Don't you have a TechRaptor you can comment at?

No, Moonraker!

I'm from there! We've never met though.


They're better than Clickhole's ads:

I rewatched only a few months ago and I still don't remember how that storyline resolves.

*Steps out of airplane hanger, dances awkwardly to covertly impart that news to you*

He truly…womped it up.

Can we talk about how bad he is in Dark City? I don't know if it was his idea, but his character has like a hundred different character tics.

The best late-era Late Night was during the writer's strike. He had an energy then I haven't seen from him since.

That would be incredible. I hope Conan does that.

I didn't miss an episode of Late Night from 1995-2009, and I have to say that I barely watch him now. For a guy whose farewell Tonight Show speech was "Don't be cynical", he sure turned into a mean-spirited cynic.