Nabokov Cocktail

Fuck yeah Gilmore Girls!  Such a fantastic show.

Working my way through Joe Abercrombie's First Law Trilogy.  I finished Before They Are Hanged and started Last Argument of Kings.  I wasn't crazy about The Blade Itself.    It was a bit too bland and I found most of the characters boring or unlikable.  But about a third of the way through BTAH, the writing began to

Have you seen Spirit of the Beehive?

You won't be disappointed!

From that photo, I thought this was a Sixth Sense remake.


I have not heard of Keith Freund, but I do have that split.  I'll have to check him out.  I've kind of been fiending for more stuff that sounds like Mark.  Thanks for the rec!

If you're enjoying OPN's stuff, I highly highly highly recommend the multitude of solo material that Mark McGuire has released.  He's the former guitarist of a band called Emeralds and makes drop dead gorgeous, instrumental guitar soundscapes.  Lots of guitar overlaying and beautifully clean tones.  I've been a bit

Bing it on, bro.

"Hold on a sec.  Lemme Bing it." said no one ever.

I get on AV Club at 12:10am and find that Linda Cardellini is my lady of the morning.

He's doing his Liam Neeson impression

There was a Handmaid's Tale movie?  Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

Also, she gets brutally murdered in the first season of Deadwood by an off the chain Powers Boothe.  Oops spoilers

Landry for Space Pope!

Hey man don't joke about that.  My grandfather was run over by a stroke.

Is this from something?  If this is from something, I have a right to know.

I can't make it.  Bring me back something nice.

Law & Order is always looking for fresh corpses

Why were you surprised at its goodness?  David O. has a pretty great track record.