Cool snap judgments, bro
Cool snap judgments, bro
Holy shit! Arcade Fire won the Pulitzer! Wow!
cool contrarianism, bro
yes. ain't you never smoked someone's ass before?
and they smoke ass live
shake hands with the pins
According to Black Swan, Winona Ryder is still extremely cute.
darling picky
Hey man i've got some jumper cables in the trunk.
The last half of the "The Muffin Tops" is the worst thing Seinfeld has ever done. Not including "The Marriage Ref."
In the year 2011 they decided to steal CDs? Why didn't they try stealing something more valuable, like dryer lint?
You ran that ass into tha ground!
Boom. Done.
Wait i'm not supposed to wear Sketchers now?
So what you're saying is it's just like "Blood Meridian" except told from the perspective of Judge Holden, adds necromancers, and also it sucks.