
Totally agree. And odd. I love to read the comments here and often read titles others recommend. Not too impressed with the AVClub's book section tbph. The Huffington Post's is embarrassing. The Guardian's book section is the best that I've found. Anyone know others?

It seems I'm always late to the party. Sigh.

Oh, John Crowley. Sigh. I love Engine Summer.

I've got The Book of Strange New Things cued up on the Kindle. It's two or three on the list. Glad to hear good things about it. It's been years since I read House of Leaves but remember loving it. Wish I had more time to reread!

Godforsaken Idaho by Shawn Vestal. The title says it all.

I read the following books:
Find Me, Laura van den Berg
Americanah, Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie
The Bees, Laline Paull
Battleborn: Stories, Claire Vaye Watkins

The Culture (Iain M. Bank).

I finally read something by Jose Saramago, namely Blindness. I enjoyed it and am eager to read another one by him. I also got around to reading Martin Eden by Jack London. Most of its appeal lies with the fact that it's largely autobiographical. I did also tackle Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels. Some lovely writing

My best books this year (in no particular order) were:

Here's what I read in November:
1. Teaching a Stone to Talk, Annie Dilliard (enjoyed it)
2. The Walking Dead, Vol. 10
3. Re-Gifters, Mike Carey
4. Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe (for the third or fourth time)
5. J, Howard Jacobson
6. American Born Chinese, Gene Luen Yang
7. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the

Currently reading Jack Glass by Adam Roberts and then I've got Naomi Klein's new book cued up. (Just finished Far North, a National Book Award Finalist from a few years ago. I liked it.)

I finished it last week and I know exactly how you feel. A bit of a disappointment actually.

Very pleased to hear about this. Glad they aren't thinking of a simple continuation as I think that would be a mistake; too much time has passed. With both Lynch and Frost involved, I'm positive this will be must-see tv.



You're getting warmer! You get three guesses….

What was his first name again?

My father was named Victor because his father loved Hugo's oeuvre. But I wasn't named after one of Hugo's characters.

Aw, c'mon. One clue!

Alas, I am no Emma.