Invisible Green

I've never understood the appeal of "Jaynestown."  To me, it's boring and not funny.  It's definitely my least favorite episode.

"Before that, Jepsen was a struggling singer-songwriter from British Columbia best known for finishing third on Canadian Idol five years ago."

"Before that, Jepsen was a struggling singer-songwriter from British Columbia best known for finishing third on Canadian Idol five years ago."

I experienced that too.  It could be intentional, or it could be projectionists not lighting the film correctly.

I think that was a different delay.  If I remember correctly, it was pushed back from February 2010 to January 2011 for the 3D conversion that never happened.

"…originally due for a 2010 release, spent on the studio shelf due to MGM’s financial woes."

Actually it's nine episodes, if you include the upcoming Christmas special.  Is PBS going air that?

I thought he was trying to protect Tara by scaring her, only Gemma found the note first.

was telling Nathan everything that came to her mind instead of hearing other people's thoughts. The music in that scene was too loud, though.