
@avclub-36d950d2edf29ad0067ab7ef5a06daa4:disqus Hi! I the fuck find that desirable. See, my very first love/sex was with an anorexic girl, and now my brain is all twisted up in that nonsense being the true standard of beauty. I TRY to tell it that it's incorrect, but then my penis backs my brain up and I don't know

@thomasrhys:disqus I wanted to like your comment, but I really don't want you to be a virgin. So it just didn't feel right.

True story: Marky Mark committed some racially motivated hate crimes in his youth. Which is somehow less offensive than Planet of the Apes.

Hey, Hey, buddy. Quit linking to your blog, please.

My social life screwed up my gaming for perhaps a year. Then my sister got a PSX for Christmas one year. I thought I'd try it out, and ended up getting FFVII and Metal Gear Solid. And then I was RIGHT BACK IN. Also played Ocarina around the same time. Holy balls was 1998 a good year for me.

I had this one too! What a pile of shit that game was. Looking back, I think my parents might have secretly colluded to buy me the worst games ever released in an effort to kill my love of video games.

I owned Fester's Quest, and got to a point where I could play for an hour or so without having to start over. Never came CLOSE to beating it, of course. I went back as an adult and tried again, and I'm dead within a few minutes. That shit is IMPOSSIBLE. It's like Battletoads or Deadly Towers level difficult.

@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus Dude, Hearts in Atlantis was GREAT. I need to read that again; thanks for the reminder!

I always go for the trickster. TOTALLY pro-bronze though.

I agree on both counts. And it totally isn't creepy.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT thank you for that link. I haven't played a Sonic game since Sonic CD, which was tits. They're… taking it seriously now? That's ridiculous. It looks like Sonic of the Colossus.

Final Fantasy XIII, Bubsy, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. (which I enjoy now but it doesn't come close to the original)

SERIOUSLY. Good music though.

After D2 came out, some of the cast did a signing at a local gas station. Wait… that makes no sense, but I remember it clearly. It was a Super America. Why would they do that? Hmm.

I dropped out of college because I couldn't take the constant Dave Matthews Band. Dave Matthews shouted from every window. Each passing automobile. Every douche with a guitar. It was… unpleasant.

I think that copper dragons are my favorite dragons.

@avclub-9079ea527e08a24dfad44e3302d5f091:disqus I fell in love with Family Guy when they made an Anne Frank joke. NOBODY was making Anne Frank jokes at the time. It's gone to shit in the meantime, but MAN did that blow me away.

I first listened to the Green album while falling violently in teenaged love. SO now all those shitty songs have a weird emotional resonance to me. Lame.

I like "Tearjerker". And "Aeroplane" brings back fond memories of being a lonesome teenager with a shitty moustache.

What did you think of Under the Dome? I dug it.