I was going to answer G sustained, which appears in tablature as G-sus (ie Jesus.)
I was going to answer G sustained, which appears in tablature as G-sus (ie Jesus.)
Long interview….
…and thanks for that! I enjoyed every bit. PJ Soles is one of the indelible faces of the cinema I grew up with. And probably the reason I own a Stripes DVD.
Part two please
Great interview but I actually wish it were a page or two longer. Molina's reliably excellent and I'd love to hear more about his past work. Can you get him back for Random Roles?
A misunderstood genre
It's easy to think that techno is just a constant
…are the "girlfriend in Canada" for young ladies.
Been there done that
Believe it or not, carbonated yogurt dates back millennia.
Yeah I can't agree that Mr Hand was "evil, awaful, or just plain stupid." He maintained his authority in class but didn't go overboard, and took personal time to intervene with Spicoli when he could have just flunked him.
To the Bat-anything!
How does the guy who played Batman before I was born look so damn great today? My world has always been richer for knowing how to talk like Adam West.
who's your granny now?
I'm gratified to hear this panned. Like Marwood I endured the horrid commercial too much watching Adult Swim online.