
What's that? A movie set in Egypt with a mostly-white cast? Wow, what a new and exciting concept!

Yeah, I've already seen a couple of thinkpieces on the racial dynamics between Danny and Luke in the comics — I have faith (for now) in the Netflix shows, but we'll see.

I see it as kind of a Narnia-type thing, where the humans will eat animals but wouldn't dare to eat Animals.

Now, if only they could do the same with Agent Carter…

I didn't know he could sing! Consequently, the beginning of the second episode almost gave me an aneurysm!

SERIOUS Mad Men flashbacks when they played Zou Bisou Bisou.

"I know who Gandhi is." [points at face] "I'm British."



I felt personally targeted by that line. Midnight bagels are delicious.

See, all I could think of during the "bye, bi, bye, bi" bit was this.

How long do we have to wait to get a full version of Rogelio's telenovela?

That Music Man-esque scene was all kinds of awesome. I love it when this show goes full-on musical theatre.

Chuck is obviously over, but had a GREAT title sequence. Maybe just because of the Cake song, but goddamn if I didn't get pumped for every episode because of it.

Yeah, it was a really small exchange in the first episode (?) where they established that. Easy to miss, but makes enough sense.

I agree for the most part, but it's worth noting that Bellamy did know Pike on the Ark; he was one of his students, and teachers can in many cases forge role model-type connections with their students.

That's the thing — Bellamy's arc has essentially been about tempering the negative aspects of his more emotional tendencies with a healthy dose of rationality. And in theory, I can buy an arc where the immense fear and loneliness he experiences after Clarke's departure and the explosion at Mount Weather causes him to

I always get sad when people ask me that, because Donald O'Connor ranks right up there for me despite not being as well-known as Kelly or Astaire.

Call me when they adapt Le chandail de hockey.

If they wanted to air a two-hour special of Deadly reenacting Clueless, I'd be totally fine with that.