I'd be totally okay with them bringing back a new version of Carter every week and then killing him off every week. Guy's got 200-something lives, he's the most expendable entity in the world.
I'd be totally okay with them bringing back a new version of Carter every week and then killing him off every week. Guy's got 200-something lives, he's the most expendable entity in the world.
I think there was definitely something there too in the scene where Wilkes is so amazed by the fact that Howard Stark accepted him into his home and his lab — it's not outright stated, but there's a definite undercurrent that this kind of treatment is not something he experiences often as a black man.
He's really, really good at selling extreme earnestness, which is a lot of what makes Jake work as a character at all.
It was especially weird this week that Kara would drop everything in the middle of an actual hostage crisis to attend to Cat. #priorities
But Carter's got Disney/Marvel money, and critics seem to like it. I'm sure as long as the fanbase keeps enjoying it as much as they do, it'll be fine.
^^^^^^^^^^^^ I can't second this enough.
IMO series six was really strong in terms of its individual episodes, actually one of my favourites (and The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon is a GREAT opener), but as a whole it was just too messy.
Wait, sorry, what? I didn't mention Rey at all anywhere in my comment (and FWIW, I'd actually rather her have no love interest at all over the course of the trilogy)
Well, I think there's a difference in that Lincoln sought to exclude himself from Grounder society (he was given a choice and chose Octavia and going back to the Mountain), whereas Octavia's exile from Ark society during her childhood was involuntary.
Also, hey, I'm totally here for Bellamy taking over the opening narration.
My friend texted me while it was happening like "I seriously thought he was going to just up and start playing Stitches". Which, you know, would have been terrible, but in another universe where this show has The Room-like appeal would have been amazing.
normally, I'd complain about the out-of-left-field Shawn Mendes cameo, but the fact that he was almost immediately tackled to the ground made up for everything.
because then we wouldn't have gotten to see the premiere of the 100!
Star Wars script rewrites?? in my wildest hopes and dreams this means they decided to actually write in that romance between Finn and Poe.
in any average Flash episode, there are around 2 or so opportunities for Barry to tell Patty he's the Flash…in this one, there were at LEAST 8. new levels of frustration and screaming-at-tv were reached.
Meanwhile, Hamilton, upon receiving charges of adultery, proceeded to kick his own ass in the press.
I mean, keep in mind that it's not him who gets to decide ticket prices, but higher forces (ie. the company that owns the theatre, the production company, etc).
I don't remember exactly what the dialogue was, but that scene where she's lambasting Nick for going through her purse was a whole lot about his total lack of any dignity whatsoever — what made it, though, was that she delivered it EXACTLY the way brown moms talk to their kids when they're mad at them.
Schmidt's attempting to bhangra was simultaneously the sweetest and funniest thing ever.