
That was exactly the show I was thinking about.

Even Sam Malone fell off the wagon for a while. That pissed me off considering that, to my mine, the series' best episode, Endless Slumper, was all about how Sam managed to maintain his sobriety. It made it apparent how lightly the rest of the characters' alcoholism is played.

I agree. I think one of the Wire's finest points was how it maintained a sense of, not optimism, but faith in the possibility of goodness. It didn't just get off on showing that people could act self interested or negatively, like lesser shows do.

That was such a bummer. Even knowing what was going to happen, I super wanted him to finally not fuck up.

Whenever Spike Lee tweets your address.

Well it's a first comment. Newness or trollness is the likely culprit.

The success of Scandal may undermine your point.

Maybe if "Loving You" wasn't destined to be a smash. I think it was just a bad idea.

How terrible the original sounds today is probably the best indicator of how successful the anti-R word campaign has been. It's super uncomfortable.

The change between "Tonight I'm Loving You" and "Tonight I'm Fucking You" by Enrique Iglesias is the rare censoring that makes the song dramatically better. I don't understand why he didn't immediately change the lyrics once the edit was proposed.

It's from Hillenburg, he mentions it on some DVD commentary. Well, you have to play it backwards and only listen to every other letter, but it's there!

I think the creator's logic had something to do with how much he want's and gives affection to everyone and everything. It always sounded like a stretch, but he does only have one mode of interacting with people.

The most useless piece of Spongebob trivia is that each main character is based off a deadly sin. Spongebob-Lust, Sandy-Pride, Garry-Gluttony, Krabs- Greed, Plankton- Envy, Patrick- Sloth, Squidward- Wrath.

It's probably not the best episode, but Grandma's Kisses has some of my favorite lines. "Now you must develop a taste for free form jazz" as part of growing up and the later "I don't wanna listen to jazz!" just crack me up. It's relatable.

N is for No Survivors……Here in the deep blue see.

Both version of the F-U-N song get caught in my head a couple times a year.

That's why the East Coast will always reign superior. The Dead only offer escape up your own ass.

I saw them in Orlando (my dad is a huge fan). It's just two guys playing the guitars, Les is a lot funnier when he's not dressed like a space captain.

You sound like Harriet Beecher Stowe.

I've always enjoyed how Puritan's tied together wealth and spirituality. Not that they didn't eventually just say "fuck it, let's get rich (New England towns were basically all founded by people leaving towns who had gotten to focused on money)," but the predestination angle is pretty neat. If you're able to get