
I don't have an iPhone. Androids don't autoplay songs when connected to Bluetooth. Haha fuck you!

HAHAHA Look at this country! U R GAY

I called mine Minas Morgul

But why couldnt Tom Bombadil just take the ring and go to the west?

And why couldnt the eagles just fly directly to Mount Doom?

Thats deep, man

Anyway, how was your weekend?

I don't even own a TV!

Ah, this show ain't no good. Hyah!

If Seeso wasnt such a weirdly exclusive streaming service, I would definitely watch that show

Entertainment Weekly?

Yeesh… I barely keep up with three or four shows when they actually air live anymore. Streaming TV has made TV exhausting

I'm sure much worse things happened there as well



What and why?

Sounds like it will be extremely complicated to setup and will try very hard to shove in mechanics from the game that were easier to do automatically with a computer

Dear God!

The Koch brothers pretty much own everything.

I've seen Reel Big Fish live and they put on a very fun show. I don't even like ska