
*throws darts at random cards* "ok, Kristen schaal at E3"

True, but I thought at least the people in front of the camera would notice that the little broadcast light wasn't on…

In college I used to operate the lighting and cameras for the student news broadcasts. One day I was really high and accidentally turned off all the cameras for all but the last 30 seconds of the show. I don't know why anybody didn't notice

I think I just heard someone very far away scream "downvoted "

Yeah sure, why not

It seems like it would be cool for a few minutes

It's just a little un-Convent-ional

Being raised Catholic, I've met nuns who would swear constantly. They probably needed to smoke some weed

Jurassic County

*runs away still applauding*

Why would you want to connect a mouse and keyboard to Google glass?

*claps wildly*

Yeah, I only play it alone. I do play the Xtreme beach volleyball game with my friends occasionally. It's a pretty solid game… Sort of

Looks good

The destructible stages also make the games great

When I got older I only played as the girl characters…

Sports games are a little different. They're more simulations than games. And with a yearly cycle, they only get more complicated.

I paid a whole damn dollar to play Dragon's Lair for five seconds!

This is why I like the Dead or Alive series. The combat is more reactive and counter focused. You can mash buttons and feel like you know what you're doing, but learning the game is also extremely satisfying.

Trumpsters are such fucking morons.