NF Inc.

I'm sure someone has posted this already…
…but "Why The Human Suit" is clearly a movie reference.

Hooray for nepotism.
Directed by the offspring of an industry standby? Check.

I think this comment strikes right to the heart of the issue here: the assembled writers lashed out from so many different angles of what made these "well-intended yet misguided" feminist anthems problematic that they sort of pointed out that ALL feminist anthems are both well-intended and problematic. Since, you

doesn't mean what you think it means.

"It's funny because Aziz pretty much predicted that you were gonna be an asshole." - Someone named 'Pitts'

Then let's throw down, DerWerff. Paperbacks at dawn?

Genre snob? Not hardly. Vonnegut is my favorite writer, period, and I think a good argument could have been made for including Aimee Bender on this list. Link and Gaiman just rub me the wrong way, Gaiman especially (I confess to not having read the whole Link).

Strange premise.
I suppose collecting the 10 best story collections makes a bit more practical sense than collecting the X best short stories, but the latter list would have been a much more illuminating look at what American writers have produced in the past decade. The criteria for selecting an entire collection of

Don't be fooled, Deep, this is through and through a live record. January Twenty-Something, Against Me, This Blackest Purse, and especially Into the Shadows of My Embrace are some of the new best songs in their catalog to hear live. Especially especially the guitar solo at the end of Into the Shadows. Holy shit.

I'm so pleased this got trashed…
…that I might even skip jerking off today.

Clever though you may be, original poster, the British Office really is 100% better than the American version. They're very different animals, so it's almost apples and oranges, but any overlap between the two goes to the British version every time.

The Blood Brothers!

Sufjan? Really?
I could cut Illinois down to about 12 tracks without missing very much.

If I had a dollar for every time a naysayer complained about how much better Source Tags is than the rest of this band's output, I'd have enough dollars to pay them all to shut up so I could listen to their last two incredibly solid albums in peace.

I enjoyed Match Point.
And it's nice to see that James Gray does too. He liked it so much, in fact, that he re-wrote and re-shot it in some version of New York City where no black people ride the subway (sounds nice!). Spoilers ahead.