If you use chrome no one wants to know about your opinions
If you use chrome no one wants to know about your opinions
Not too bad
First episode this season that I actually enjoyed. Someone should tell the writers nobody cares about any character but House and possibly Cuddy/Wilson, seriously there's enough porn on the internet we don't need bisexual models playing doctor in our misanthropic fantasy show.
10,000Hz is probably their most 'interesting' record, Radian and Caramel Prisoner have a threatening quality that's from another world.
Got the book last week
It's really bad. Reading it I was like, Damn, this is a terrible book. don't waste your money.
lol wrong show
i tried to like this show
I watched a few episodes but i don't know i just don't find it funny. It's nothing to do with my subjectivfe taste in comedy though, it's just that it's embarassingly unfunny garbage and if you like it you're a retard.
The Simpsons Movie
was fucking awful. Hope they cancel the show, put down the actors and send Groening to the chair.
Jeasus Chroist
That episode was fucking awful, this season sucks so bad I'm actually forgetting what I liked about the show in the first place.
Enjoying these a lot more than last year
I found last year abysmal but those episodes have been pretty good so far. Maybe I just have less sand in my vag'.
Rita is SO annoying
I freaking hate women. Hello, I'm from the internet.
Bit of a letdown for me but this episode starts the season's story arc so hopefully the episodes to follow will be as well-crafted as the first two. Nice to see the Seinfeld cast 10 years later.
Calling it now
This will never come out.
Southpark had it right
'Dudeā¦ you fuck children'
Wow this show is incredibly boring now
Seriously stick to having House walk around insulting people, nobody cares about Foreteen and the rest of the filler.
Oh and yes, this article is required reading.
It's unbelievable how people get sidetracked by their liking of someone's work when it comes to their personal life. If Polanski was a construction worker I doubt Angelina Jolie and cohorts would be signing petitions to free him.
I like how apologists always point out that
the victim 'forgave' Polanski.
Oh no, I've had sex!!! How will I ever recover from such a harrowing experience!!! I'm a fat puritan american scared of penises!!! Grow up.
House MD used to be a pretty good show. Not only does it resurrect the spirit of one of literature's greatest misanthropes but Suck the shit out my ass ZMF.