Halloween Jack

"Reverence"? Holy crap, Sean, it's just another jumped-up Saturday Night Live sketch. Go back and watch the bit where Aykroyd and Belushi are doing "I'm A King Bee" while they're wearing those bee costumes. They were fairly decent musicians for comedians, but they weren't the fuckin' Beatles or anything.

"art that embraces sex as an organic part of life" is still present in a lot of cartoonists' work; I'm thinking of Jeffrey Brown, for example, or any number of webcartoonists. If you're looking for explicit sex in comics, though, then yes, it's pretty much relegated to the erotica section (although, again, there are

Sadly, you're right. In particular, there's a lot of BDSM in porn comics; sometimes I'll get a comic that's an anthology of vanilla and non-vanilla (sometimes extremely non-vanilla) scenes, and just learn to skip over certain pages.

"Totalled" is the British spelling. Nice try, limey, now stop driving on the wrong side of the road.

Riddle me this…
…why would Sammy give a shit? He's making tall coin off of his mediocre tequila; he'll probably get front-row seats just so that he can watch DLR trying to rock the tight pants at 57, and laugh until he pisses himself, then have one of his manservants clean it up.

Well, Better Than Thou, given that my ex-wife is a sad old hag that I haven't even talked to in more than a decade and I didn't even know I had a daughter, I'd say I still came out on top. Also, I poisoned your dog and stole your tools out of your rusted-out pickup truck (which I totaled) and sold them on eBay for

My other regrettable teenage habit
Yup, another former adolescent pickle juicer here. I'm not sure that I'd even taste one of these now, though, let alone eat a whole one.