That might explain her disdain for the process…
That might explain her disdain for the process…
That raises the question of: what would work, then, as a movie?
Speaking as a writer, I'd have to say that while not every character exists in the story to be fully realized, a good writer will write every character, levers or not, as if they could be.
I admitted that I liked his work when I sent him the email, and he wrote back (at the end of the business section) "Do you have a cat? :) " And that made me start going "Details later" all over the place.
@avclub-945ba977c27d196cdeaf6cbe4ff682f4:disqus : "You wanted to frighten us. We're frightened. You wanted to show us that we were inadequate. For the moment… I grant that. You wanted me to say, 'I need you'? I *need* you!"
Well, I would, but it doesn't actually come naturally to me. I mean, I'm no EBuzzMiller in terms of friendliness, but bickering isn't my usual mode. I think my flirt style is closer to Garak's, with disturbingly alert eyes and everything. I'll work on it, though.
Speed of plot.
That's why it leads the lists so frequently.
God I hope so.
Stellar Protomatter
Stupid Waste Extraction Product
POS = Piece Of S____
Since I can only rarely comment more than once on a given thread I have to put responses here.
That character was totally Leared.
Andromeda was all right. Yes, it was essentially Trek-analogue, with more modern concepts and less narrative conveniences (no transporters, AI characters, etc.) But, like E:FC, it suffered from Between Season Complete Mutation Syndrome. BSCMS meant that every season would build up to a climax and then the next…
I think I'm a little bit afraid of The Lady McLurk, just from the evidence of this thread.
I think I got in the habit of bashing on Enterprise and Voyager with my friends because I think we were instinctually holding them up to high standards because of TNG and DS9. I know my biologist friend gave up on Voyager with "macroviruses" for one. If it had been any show other than Trek, we might have been a lot…
So, kinda like my life, then. :P
Brilliant! Er, I mean… yes, yes, even a child could have made that inference. Which doesn't say much about Jimmy James, but then I'm not flirting with him…
It even let us hear the voice of the Grand Nagus's bodyguard!