I think he might be referring to The Tale of the Hatching, which also creeped me out as a kid.
I think he might be referring to The Tale of the Hatching, which also creeped me out as a kid.
My dad smokes, and he's even offered me an, as he calls it, "attitude adjustment."
Hey Judge! I just made a new thread with the cast list and such.
EW just released the official cast list, as well as a bunch of info about the twists this season: http://insidetv.ew.com/2013…
"Well, they're in the desert somewhere."
The tone definitely seemed subdued, in a weird way. I can't quite articulate it either but I agree.
I thought it was "I don't give a shit about family" — which is really the worst thing Walt could hear at that moment, realizing that such sure-fire rhetoric won't work on Hank.
I would think Hank had bought a bunch of those.
That's what I thought about the first two episodes, too. Then I watched the rest.
Othello's tragic flaw wasn't envy — it was jealousy. Iago was guilty of envy. Just sayin'.
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.
I watched it on an airplane flying back from LA — oddly fitting — and actually came out of it with a strange respect for her. That only lasted a week or so, but still. I thought she came across mostly as a talented young singer who sold out — first to Jesus and then to Capitol Records.
Exactly. And the moments of transitional narration synced with dialogue—intended to be a running gag—was beyond shoddy.
Caption on Todd: DIRTY LANDRY
I bought it on Amazon for something like $10 and found it a worthwhile purchase.
I'm the slowest porcupine in town…
Yeah, getting $16.89 for a thing you did 20 years ago seems actually kind of reasonable.
Get Confident, Stupid!
Why does everyone hate on Twitter? The format leads to a lot of creative, funny content that's unique to the medium. Same with Vine; the six-second limitation lends itself to tightly produced microsketches that are often brilliant.
I think that Sansa-in-the-snow moment is also great because, after being a victim of forces much more 'adult' than she understands, she's suddenly the victim of a petulant child.