The name of the restaurant, too, is Fat Ammy's, which is just absurd in a completely appropriate but nonsensical way.
The name of the restaurant, too, is Fat Ammy's, which is just absurd in a completely appropriate but nonsensical way.
I think a fundamental difference is that Thomas largely pitched the Veronica Mars movie as a fanservice—it's something fans have been clamoring for for years, and funding it through Kickstarter was the best way to make it finally happen.
Come onnnn, Laura!
If this were the case, the better strategy would've been to wait until the end to use the advantage. But I'm not sure Cochran could've handled those last couple knots.
@avclub-3d010f67a12c1fb88e0da25edd6e6ca2:disqus How soon does Cochran start targeting Andrea?
All the "popular" articles seem to be from 1998. Guys! It happened! We get a second chance!
Would you, though? Seems like all the enmity would come from within the alliance. For whatever hot water they're in, the Bros aren't in danger of breaking anyone's trust.
I think Malcolm was still holding out hope that he could keep an idol. But yeah, this would've been brilliant.
I think the thing I'll miss most about Phillip is the way his pretentiousness was sort of endearing. I loved seeing all the ways he revealed he's actually an idiot, like calling Reynold "Reynolds" and spelling Malcolm "Malcom" and all his highfalutin vocabulary words he used incorrectly.
Welp, that's me. I spoke way too soon.
I'm trying to back up your claim, but I can't find any list of just summer blockbusters (by year) that isn't qualified with "best" or "worst" in some way.
Gilligan used that same joke in this interview at Collider. He's using material, folks!
Don't discordant flashbacks aside, I thought this was one of the more thematically cohesive episodes in a long time. The men have power, but it all comes from the women.
Which raises the question: why the hell would Pete ever cheat on that?
I think Malcolm might actually be planning to use that idol to make the final four.
“This is a very minor incident,” he said. “It’s just that Hollywood films aren’t that popular in China right now. People prefer to watch Chinese made films—they’re more familiar.”
I definitely think the need to make a "big move" is a total fallacy. What's the biggest move in recent history that's led to an actual victory?
I'd be with you if Andrea didn't look awesome in that purple flannel.
If it's any consolation, I just rewatched that moment and absolutely no one at that table laughed. (I'm assuming, of course, that it was meant to be a joke.)
He said it at the reward picnic.