
Someone posited above that Laura might have just been trying to convince Reynold that he was safe, but her confessionals seem to indicate she was considering flipping and then (wisely) backed out.

Someone (Sherri?) said they were going to "flush the idol" mostly as jargon, I think. The actual strategy was just to ensure Hope went home, not to actually get rid of the idol; that would've just been a bonus.

"If she really wanted Shamar gone, she wouldnt need to convince anyone else."

Yeah but Reynold's occupation is "Real estate agent" so I can't possibly get behind him.

Wait, Judge! I freaked out halfway through this episode because I think I might've picked "Julia" when I meant "Laura." Please tell me that's not the case.

Oddly enough, the thing that rang truest to me in this episode was the dinner out on the lawn. It brought me back to those summer evenings at my friend's cabin, eating corn and throwing the cobs in the fire pit. Nothing felt more peaceful… which makes both the tension between the family more palpable and Hannah's

The cocaine episode did have the sort of After Hours feel, but none of the absurdity that makes that film so great.

@LauraBow:disqus wasn't at least part of the point of that montage to show that the art was getting better? Even as their boredom grows, that subject visually comes more and more into focus.

Hope is Miss Missouri 2011, I believe.

One thing I forgot to mention: it seems like this is the first season in a while where all the women look — gasp — natural. Intentionally or not, it seems like none of the players have fake boobs, and I for one welcome this change.

Sorry — I meant make a decoy.

Hey, is there a decent way to handle that dispute in the Fans tribe after the challenge? Reynold was being a patronizing asshole, and Shamar was (understandably) blustering in return, so is it ever wise to come in and mediate that? I can see how letting them duke it out is good for everyone else on an individual

I enjoy the color-coding just from an aesthetic standpoint. Erik's green t-shirt and purple hoodie is a sweet get-up.

Welp, I should stop watching the eps at 1 a.m.

Poor Reynold is a terrible liar. His performance after "I'm gonna play the idol tonight" was instantly unbelievable. For that reason, he won't go very far.

Hey, thanks, Judge!

Hey, what about Albert!

@JudgeReinhold:disqus Ha, well, I loved that bit while it lasted!

True. But he at least could have tried to get toned or get a tan or something. Isn't half the preparation for the game physical?

Those crabs waving on the beach was like a little play. "Come on!" "No, you come on!" "No, you come on!" "Okay, FUCK YOU THEN." *crawls back into cave*