the Silver Beekeeper

Didn't some rich animal rights activist from the U.K. once offer 100,ooo pounds as a prize for anyone willing to spend a night in the human equivalent of a chicken battery? The one taker withdrew a few hours into the ordeal, shattered by the cold, the darkness, the nudity, the foul stench, and the fact that he had to

I once told a Japanese friend and part-time metal guitarist that I knew "Lips" Kudrow's cousin ( a fact that came to light in the university residence t.v. room when an Anvil video was playing in which the singer was chasing after women while wearing a dog costume). He became curiously excited at the news. Anvil must

The Rick Astley song "Never Gonna Give You Up" becomes even more sadistic when you mis-hear him as singing "I'm a-gonna etc, etc. etc.".

There used to be a poorly organized * Hungarian-themed bar in Kensington Market in Toronto that made a schnitzel pizza (fried, breaded chicken instead or a crust).

I read an article about this Stooges project in the NY Times about five years ago, when the Farrelys were actually considering Russell Crowe in one of the leading roles. I guess he was ditched because of the potential tragic consequences of having he and Sean Penn in the same slapstick comedy. The phrase "it's all fun

virtual scrimshaw

There is this English woman with a self-pitying ostrich puppet who basically turns the conventions of ventriloquism inside out and is legitimately funny, though I don't remember her name, as she has never appeared on a public stage.

Consolidation, that's the ticket. It certainly worked for those two papers in Seattle; the Post and the Intelligencer.

"My cigarettes are like my romantic life, smooth and sensual" -Omar Sharif

I honestly did print, in his words "go Boing Moo!" but ran into some sort of misguided censorship firewall.

As a kid I had a neighbour who was a sort of pathological liar with training wheels. He used to brag that his parents owned the first VCR on the block, which was impressive in 1982 and possibly even true. Then it got weird. He claimed that there was a new movie out that he was able to splice together in order just by

To paraphrase the Edie Falco character in the movie Judy Berlin, "wow,you make documentaries. You mean lions and shit?"