
@avclub-bde72c4dba0920358fffdb27007be1f6:disqus Your theory definitely makes a case for why it could be him. I, for one, am all for a Hamlet-esque bloodbath to end the series. I also believe that Huell inheriting the earth would make him reasonably happy.

Walt realizes Hank is onto him, right? That has to be it.

There are four primary options as to who can kill Walt:
1. Hank
2. Jesse
3. Himself
4. Cancer

Yeah, I was reaching with that one. I was referring more to how his desire to provide for and protect her pushed him into the meth business, and how she eventually grew guilty for her participation in Walt's criminal activities. I don't think Richard III works because, as you said, Richard is blatantly evil from the

So is Walt Hamlet, Macbeth, or Othello? His arc most closely resembles Macbeth's, with a portent of doom (death by cancer) replacing a prophecy of future glory. Skyler even takes on a Lady Macbeth role of sorts (albeit with an initially moral outlook), before her guilt in her complicity with Walt's actions ultimately

Yeah, but those episodes in season 2 don't have Jesse hitting Walt with a flyswatter as hard as he possibly could, Walt falling and faceplanting on the tub on the way down, and Jesse running through a pack of illegral immigrant workers shouting for "EL AXO!!"

Not only is "Fly" a strong character-based bottle episode, but it's also probably the show's funniest episode. Bryan Cranston is an extraordinarily gifted slapstick comedian, and Jesse's line about acceptable levels of rat turds in candy bars gets me every time.

I liked Only God Forgives. It doesn't have a patch on Drive, but like that movie, it's a superb showcase for Refn's unique style.

Friday: Continued my pre-final stretch Breaking Bad rewatch, finishing up season 3. Mike's "Half Measure" speech is even more glorious than I remembered, and is our proper introduction to the character. "Full Measure" is a pretty fantastic episode too.

I think Uncharted 1 has a really solid first act (on par with the sequels, but with slightly crappier shooting mechanics), and then the game devolves into a never-ending shootout. Drake actually comments on how the bad guys never seem to stop coming. By the time you get to the the last third, you're just drained and

I bought Permanent Waves, because I didn't own that one. Already had Moving Pictures and 2112. It was actually the first time I listened to it, and it was indeed pretty fantastic.

Breaking Bad, GTA V, the PlayStation 4, Elysium, Gravity, Inside Llewyn Davis, The Wolf of Wall Street, Clear History, Parks and Rec. It's gonna be a good 2nd half of 2013.

After reading this article, I checked out my local Best Buy's bargain bins. Sure enough, Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures, 2112, and Rush were all in there.


I was hoping that he would compare Glover's departure to someone murdering a person that was just resuscitated, much as he compared last season to his girlfriend blowing a bunch of dudes.

@avclub-cd1db6bdaab0f94ac28022bf20b6d1a6:disqus He criticized Django Unchained without even SEEING IT. Though Django features a somewhat overzealous amount of racial epithets, it's actually pretty fair to everyone. There's good and bad white people and good and bad black people. Sure, it's a goofy power revenge

He's a good director, but he often sticks his nose where it doesn't belong. Where does he get off criticizing Eastwood and Tarantino?

It's like going to your daughter's middle school graduation. You know it's gonna suck, but you gotta do it just to get it over with.

If only Rod Serling were still alive as a Dexter staff writer, then this ending would actually be possible.

We have truly reached the zenith of all that is O'Neal.