
Just seen it in the cinema, and never have I watched a film and the whole audience as one makes the same reactions.
At the end when the sirens and flashin lights indicate a police car has arrived, the whole audience groaned as Rose croaked for help because we, me included, thought Chris was about to be reprimanded for

I don't care for the tag team division which breaks my heart as Cesaro is so good!!!
Where's Finn?

I just want Negan to kill everyone or for an episode to end with Rick waking up in hospital with Shane and Lori beside him and it was all a dream

A Prison Break trailer aired on one of the commercial breaks.
I loved the original show, I even loved the series in Sona and T-Bag is one of the greatest tv characters ever.
But it should not be coming back. Especially with how it originally ended

This show is a mess.
Morgan tells Carol about Glenn and Big Abe being dead. She goes to The Kingdom to tell King Zeek that they need to fight. Zeek agrees…,but first we have to do a bit of gardening.
Nobody stopping Morgan from strangling Richard is such bad writing.

Ah The Rock is such a great action movie, and is one of the 3 great films of Nicholas Cage along with Face/Off and Con-Air

I would legit be devastated if Dennis left the show.
He's a god!

The Miz on Talking Smack was fuxking awesome.

As Undertaker is a Smackdown guy and he's facing Reigns on Raw, could Balor come back on Smackdown and face one of their stars?

I've been a harsh critic of Raw since the brand split, but this episode was pretty solid!
Yeah, Owens and Y2J should be fighting for the Universal title, but (like Brock and Bill) they don't need it for their story.
Goldberg took a bump?!?!????
Neville has single handedly saved the crusierweight division. He's so good!!

So cool to see how sound effects are created.
Hugh Jackman sure is committed

But that wouldn't ever happen, because the writers are incapable of surprising their audience anymore.
If Rick tee ever to die there'd probably be a special 2 hour episode of just his gravestone

Yeah Swann is a great talent, but Neville is the total package in that division.
If he doesn't face Aries at wrestlemania don't be surprised if the title is on the line in a multi-man ladder contest

Did ANYONE think Rick was really being eaten?
Keep your slow-mo camera work and soppy music for when Carol finds out Big Abe and Glenn are dead

God this show is so frustrating!!!
Has all the tools to be thrilling and entertaining, yet constantly wastes whole episodes.
Ooooo Michonne cares for Rick, woo.
This is the woman that entered this story with 2 jaw-less walkers on chains!

Jinder Mahal is like the Asian Scott Steiner

Never felt more deflated from a PPV.
The Raw Writers are so bad!
Credit to Neville and Gallagher for putting on a show though

Dude, you've got a serious chip on your shoulder.
Does it offend you that they cast a hardcore Australian as a Canadian?!

12 hours later this film is still fresh in my mind.
The young actress playing mini Wolverine is superb.
And I knew I recognised the main villain from somewhere, he's the main guy that isn't Escobar in Narcos!

I don't know much about the X-Men universe, I've only seen a couple of the films and they left that much of an imprint on me that I can't even recall their titles.
But Logan was magnificent. There's no other words for it. Even though a villain had a metal arm and the hero has claws that come out of his hands not for a