
If anyone here doesn't know what goatse is and is curious about it, I'm here to tell you NOT to google it.

Eh it's not worth watching at all.

Dune sucks shit, but why not Inland Empire?

Thank you!

Where can I find it online?

But the woodsmen also literally descend upon the earth (as does BOB).

I'm pretty sure it's descend. Just re-watched it with subtitles and that's what it says, plus I'm pretty sure I can hear the "d" (though the "d" from "and" could, hypothetically, confuse, I suppose). Plus, it makes sense that he would calling forth the woodsmen to descend.

My new fetish is to have ripped Alison Brie manhandle me and stomp on me in a wrestling ring.

I think the resemblance would be to the Giant's scene.

First Class and Days of Future Past are my favourites. I still have Logan left to see.

I know and I'm serious too. I think we basically feel the same on this. This just exacerbates the pointlessness of everything else even more to me.

I agree, I really don't think there's any point to making any more TV after this.


Got a light?

I'm absolutely going to be reading this. It looks super fun haha.

IIRC, for Rosenbaum, that clash is central to the film's greatness.