
I mean, obviously you need both the film and the TV show to make sense of the Missing Pieces. But FWWM would have been a much better film with a lot of that material included (and some other stuff taken out).

The first half of Season 2 is the best of the show. The second half not so much but the finale is one of the best finales in existence.

You were right that the Missing Pieces is better than Fire Walk With Me btw.

How'd you guess!?


The immortal 15.

That was the funniest fucking thing. I mean holy shit.

I forgot to continue my countdown, thus never providing a context to my cryptic "15" comment.

I think the best part is definitely his analysis of the relationship between the internet, TV, and TV criticism. Again, he should have resisted a wholesale dismissal of TV but there's a lot of positive strains here.

I think the piece should have framed itself as a dismantling of "prestige TV" rather than TV as a whole. It would have worked better.

Visionary? Prophet?

I'd like to report back that I have transcended. Goodbye everybody.

I think they need to re-build completely. Never going to win anything with this core. Tank and start re-building and become good again by the time LeBron is old.

Beautiful. The man's a genius.

Too soon!


Glad I didn't pay any attention to the Raptors in the playoffs this year.


That's a fantastic song from a fantastic album. Maybe my favourite concept album?