
…. Narwhal?

What's Noah Hawley doing to Kafka? Hasn't he suffered enough already?

Same. December 2015 for me. *high five*

I haven't had a cold or flu since 2015. I think this is the longest I've ever gone without getting sick. However, my immunity is being put to the test this week as a co-worker has a cold. Will the streak continue? Stay tuned.

How disliked is Trump in that district? Assuming he's not popular, I think you just let Trump be Trump and you do what you can to tie Handel to him. Also, I think the unpopularity of Paul Ryan's health care bill really hurt the House GOP. That's something you could tie Handel too as well: simply ask "do you want

You don't think he can build on that 49.5% (assuming other Dem voters come to him of course) though? That's not very far from the finish line. You'd know a hell of a lot more than me about this, but I have to think it's going to be close.

The Predators are a better team this year. All the advanced stats guys were picking them while all the mainstream sports people were taking the Hawks. I went with my gut, as I always do, and picked the Hawks even though the Predators were my pre-season pick to make the finals out of the west and nothing really

That's very plausible.

I don't know, I haven't heard it! haha

I can handle him screaming about demons poisoning the water to turn frogs gay. But this is too much.

God that was disturbing.

That's more reassuring. I liked "Pure Comedy" but I wouldn't want a whole album of that (and he kinda does something similar, but better executed, on "Holy Shit" anyway). I guess it makes for a good, broad introduction to the themes that interest him this time around.

Lmfao at the sound effects.

I don't think I've listened to anything new this year other than the Old 97's album Graveyard Whistling (unless you count RJT3 as 2017). I like it.

How does Pure Comedy compare to I Love You, Honeybear? After listening to the title track, I'm somewhat concerned he might be overreaching on this one. (love the video though)

Jez is a nice old man who likes making jam and tending his garden. I vote to leave him alone!