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    its exactly like what you said about the FOC on Johnny Depp…"yeah yeah just make good movies again" I know its not easy in Lohan's case to be able to do that so cavalierly but you'd be absolutely right if you said that here— in that that's where her comeback's gonna come from ultimately.

    wherein she'll become the Sylvia Miles of tomorrow!

    yeah Michael Kitchen.

    Together at Last!!!

    I thought it was about as good as we could've hoped for in all honesty. No big cliffhangers where someone's just been stabbed and is bleeding out….the ending was relatively subdued by comparison (I'm talking about kevin bacon waking up from his dream and realizing it was just a dream which I feel like had the show not

    basically hoarding the episodes they have left so that they can air during May. They only had like three or four episodes left before the current hiatus and if they played them straight thru—they'd have nothing left for the end of the season—which actually bodes well for renewal—if nbc wasn't considering a 3rd season

    He was maybe the last late night talk show host to get me interested in wanting to watch a late night talk show. Don't get me wrong i'll always have a special place in my heart for Letterman and Conan (and The Daily Show) but I largely burnt out on those guys years back now only occasionally dipping into them once in

    he was a lot like Letterman in that way—-the way letterman would take a random thing that he just happened to find funny and just run with it for the rest of the hour—that's not something that would ever appeal to Hulu ready clip type shows because part of the appeal was seeing him run it into the ground! (for me at

    oh right I also forgot—the one with Jane Kazcemarek as a strict judge was the fall season opener (well post Halloween ep season opener) in 2001. She sentenced Homer and Bart to be chained to one another because you know I'm not even sure why now—to teach them a lesson or something—i'll agree with you that its probably

    they ran the Apatow written spec script one back in January. It involved Homer becoming a very successful movie bootlegger. Also Seth Rogan played himself (and I believe there was a cameo from Paul Rudd as well) I thought it was ok, but it wasn't nearly as good as the one that Rogan had more of a prominent part in

    You just made me imagine a new form of evil called fast food car insurance.

    the pope is the new big bad!

    I don't know—ever since the show went off the air—like even that summer—the producers and Kiefer had been saying pretty consistently that this wasn't gonna be the last time you hear from Jack Bauer. I don't think the revival of 24 was as random as say a revival of Lost or Frasier would be. (There were rumors a while

    you're forgetting about the Simpsons episode he was on though where he was basically Jack Bauer as a newly hired security guard at the plant whom Homer keeps trying to befriend for some reason. (Jack Bauer complete with nightmare flashback trauma)

    yeah but it was never like super popular the way 24, Lost, and The Office were. Those were shows that even if you'd never seen an episode—you could have a pretty strong idea of what those shows were like just because of how much exposure those were getting from everyone either talking about them, or the constant media

    I forgot about Jon Voight. I do vividly remember Tony Todd taking over the white house tho—that was pretty awesome.

    same thing to a lesser extent (of course) with Murphy Brown and the first President Bush. When politicians start taking the actions or situations of fictional characters seriously—even if they're trying to make a point close to their platform, its just that much harder to take anything they have to say seriously.

    this is a very good point…you do hear people referencing Jack Bauer—even when the show was on, you were a lot more likely to hear people referencing the guy than the show itself. (Remembering a friend of mine who liked to joke that he was gonna leap from his car onto the subway platform Jack Bauer style despite the

    I'm a big huge believer in sticking with a show I like until the bitter ending but in this case I'd absolutely have to agree with you. Season Five was so good, and Season Six was so bad—it was just a real night and day difference in terms of quality. I thought Season Seven was at least ok though….and Season Eight

    well what do you expect when your head of HR is continually blown up or gassed or killed by the Chinese?