
First, TVBN doesn't own the Nielsen numbers and isn't the only place to get those numbers. AVC isn't regurgitating information from TVBN; they're using Nielsen to talk about ratings.

I'm assuming these are live numbers, or live+SD?  You might want to note that.

I think it's one of those musical conventions like Liza Minelli being Sally Bowles, who's not actually supposed to be that talented in the context of Cabaret.

Re Foster the People: the label does more than get them on the radio. They might not be featured in the music press like Pitchfork, but they were all over magazines early this summer—I think they got a little half page feature in Nylon, and I saw blurbs for them in some men's/women's magazines. So they were certainly

Whatever you decide, I'd love to see analysis of what is working rather than just a cancellation watch, which is so grim and negative (not to mention smug and kind of obnoxious in certain hands).  I mean, it isn't like the AVClub only likes stuff with low ratings and doesn't like everything with high ratings (right?)

HUGE drop-off from last season.  I DVR it, and I would say I was shocked but a lot of people had problems with that final episode last season.

You are confusing her with Sherri, though to be somewhat fair they are good friends and YNB was a bridesmaid in her wedding last month.

It has had the same lead in, but the viewership for DWTS changes all the time because the celebs change, so they do have a legit chance to pick up some new folks with the new season. You wouldn't think, but the show actually grows every year.
And considering how fast H50 is tanking (yikes) it looks like people are also

But the thing I love about their statement is that they don't say "the characters are straight." They specifically say, "puppets don't have sexual orientations." I don't think that means they're straight; I think they're actually trying very hard to avoid saying that, when they easily could have.

or the money men balked
I find it odd that we keep blaming these money woes just on MM, and not on the fact that Cablevision spun off AMC into a public company. Nothing like having to make the quarterly numbers to get you in a cost cutting mood. I have to think it's at least a combo of the two.

and by that "but" I don't mean they shouldn't do it—just that it's anything but a ratings grab. Which is probably a reason TO do it, really.

Ratings stunts are putting Britney or Katy Perry in your show, not someone best known for being in not one but two shows that suffered from low ratings and were cancelled too soon. Community has a lot of natural space for piles of guest stars—this is no different than John Michael Higgins or Kevin Corrigan.

picture in a safe?
Am I the only one who wondered if Peter put the picture in the safe for Neal to find? Because really, why put a picture of your team in a brand new super duper safe that you know only Neal could or would crack? And the phone call—Peter knew that Mozzie took El out that night, and he knew that Neal

And you know, I wouldn't even say they used her particularly well in that one, other than having her sing with Neal. She didn't actually give them much information—they got it all from photographs and things like that. She just sort of floated around like she usually does.

gosh they just used everyone in this episode, didn't they?
They keep planting how Sara finds things out at the end of the episode with Sara-Neal cuteness at the beginning—he knows who knocks; he sees her PIN in the reflection of the camera guard.

I didn't mean onerous in terms of working; I meant onerous in terms of not being able to fit movies into that schedule. The point was that he can do White Collar AND work on his film career, especially as WC doesn't have AS onerous a shooting schedule as, say, 24 or Lost or ER for that matter, which do 22-24 episodes

isn't going anyplace—that's a supporting role, and he's got kids to feed. It's not like the shooting schedule of a 16-episode season show is that onerous. Heck, Clooney didn't leave ER until after he'd starred in four or five movies.

I mean, I had a feeling that Ryan would stick around because Nigel loves him a tall blonde—who was that girl who made top 4 with Evan and no one really liked her? She was the epitome of this cute or pretty for TV but not that great that he will save time and time again. (Ironically the one tall blonde that's

I believe
I don't know if it was the brave choice so much as the only choice for a performance on network television. To edit the big production numbers to be bleep-friendly would have killed them, and to just bleep them would have meant we wouldn't have heard the songs much at all.