
This was the first thing that came to mind when I read the topic of the list!!

I don't know if this would technically apply, but the one movie I can think of where it actually worked off the top of my head:

I don't know if this would technically apply, but the one movie I can think of where it actually worked off the top of my head:

Yeah it's kind of a Catch-22 with those old ones— they're in the public domain which is why you can buy a shit-ton of them for next-to-nothing but that also means no one has any economic incentive to preserve or remaster them.

This begs the question: Will Annyong be back?

Blood Meridian. The only book I've ever read that made me sick to my stomach. Definitely a testament to McCarthy's talents that mere words can have such a visceral impact on a person.

Well I'm pretty sure he told everyone that Otis had sacrificed himself or something like that. It's not too far of a logical leap to assume that Shane just shot him and let the walkers get him.

I got so excited when I realized one of the new guys was Michael Raymond-James and he just owned that scene too! Perfect amount of subtle menace, I guess. I was hoping he'd turn into a regular though. That whole bar scene was one of the best things they've ever done I think.

Yeah he basically did all but come right out and say "I killed him." Apparently Zack thinks anyone who can read the writing on the wall is psychic…

That's what I always thought. Clearly it's in bad taste, but that's sort of the point. The fact that she literally tells him not to stop seems to push it into the real of consent to me. Of course, I always get my girlfriend to sign a consent form everytime we start making out…

DePalma already did that. He just changed the title a little bit.

2 David Lynch moments:

I listened to it for a while and it was pretty funny when they had the right guests (like every podcast I guess) but the sort of 'main guy' Graham Elwood I guess just started to annoy the shit out of me. He's either annoyingly self-righteous or generally unfunny.

Sean, I think you're seriously overestimating the mean intelligence level of moviegoers these days. Anyone who's seen Jersey Shore knows, this needed to be said. 

Keep telling yourself that

Although I will say the only song I've heard from this particular album kind of did suck. By the Way is one of my most listened to albums though!

I know! You hipsters are so predictable. "[This band that previously was less popular but has since become more popular] sucks/used to be good back before they were popular."