I really feel like it's time we get a female talk show host that isn't as awful as Chelsea Handler.
I really feel like it's time we get a female talk show host that isn't as awful as Chelsea Handler.
Sounds Ah-Ma-Zing
I almost had a FART ATTACK
As soon as I saw the notification, my heart skipped a beat. (For the wrong reasons).
That too
If I see ANY flares, I will cry then drown in tequila
Cersei hold on to that weave, Margery is comin' to snatch that up
Same goes for superhero movies: Henry Cavill, Andrew Garfield, Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Chris Hemsworth, etc
Don't do that to me AV Club! I got a Happy Endings notification and instantly prepared a box of kleenex for the headline: HAPPY ENDINGS IS CANCELLED
I feel like this had the potential to be an A episode yet didn't quite get there
Pick up DTBIA23, rename it 'June' and voila.
This show is dumb. Only word I can think of right now that suitably describes it.
"I didn't like Bonnie's brainwashing though. The writers need to realize that characters robbed of their free will isn't interesting drama. Agency, actively making bad decisions, that's the captivating stuff." ugh let me love you
He really understood the complexity and depth of the bond between the two main charatcers. It was more than a 'romance', which other writers had tried to pass it off as. I guess we'll see….
Notify me when Parks and Rec is renewed
It wasn't forced-awkwardness too. It was the perfect amount of uncomfortable, awkward, confused comedic acting that scene needed
It is annoying. Men are depicted as bros and friends all the time on tv - women barely get a chance to show true friendship without kind of being "frenemies". I would much rather a Jess/Cece A Plot than a Nick/Schmidt.
My heart skipped a beat at the Happy Endings notif
@avclub-bf3eb25e65e1f87dab76829f15a0907a:disqus I watched the pilot episode and then forgot to watch the rest. One day I will marathon it…
(I say as I go and watch arrested development over and over again)