
Hey! What are you kids laughing at? And if you say Adam Scott, I'll know you're lying!

Harmon's looking good.

This show is fucking horrible. Why is it getting any mention here at all?

"maybe it's just me, but to me, making people laugh is what a good comedy should do. I hope that they get a shot at a second season."

You're really going out on a limb there.

Said the guy still using the "I just threw up in my mouth" line in 2013.


Hmmm. Never listened to them?

Not trolling. I never listen to Nirvana any more, their moping sounds silly.

Hole > Nirvana

She's likely been taking a test every day since having unprotected sex.

"It's either the best or it's the worst
And since I don't have to choose
I guess I won't…"

NS is the shit. He was so fucking happy.

Lets not forget the honda ad in the 80s.

I believe that it was the title of a S & M paperback that Lou found in the subway. But I can't be bothered to check as the Xanax and vodka are kicking in.

Think about what you just wrote.

Oh look. It's that guy.

If it made a lot of money, it must be inventive and suspenseful.

No, since the PI saw him with Hannah on the bus.

Yes, the most shocking news is that a slightly better than average sitcom about three guys living with a kooky girl got snubbed.